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Wednesday 18 August 2010

Chip Choooons!

Although not to everyone's taste the "Chip Tune" genre is here to stay, and is no longer the reserve of geeks remixing Megaman theme songs and posting them to youtube (Even though THIS ONE is pretty schweet!)

One of the stand out groups amongst the hordes that are popping up, are the Awesome Anamanaguchi !
Go on, say it out loud a few times, I know you want to.
Anamanaguchi are a 4 piece group from New York who have recently composed the soundtrack to the Scott Pilgrim Vs The World Videogame

The game's unique retro (Do those words work together?) styling is down to the awesome art direction of Paul Robertson who also made the catchy graphic up there for the band's website.
You can find Paul's very own blog over at livejournal (boo hiss boo) You'll be able to see what he's upto now, and a few of his Awesome videos.

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